The Miracle

Come Look See where the storm has left these my friends
All silent now and the soft deceptive pillow at their feet
Here they stand frozen in awesome death
Their branches naked to the unfriendly sky
Their trunks brittle to the idle hands of small boys.
Their strongest branches hanging loosely at their sides
What hope for these when storms spent and forgotten, Spring returns
When cold hard earth relenting breathes again?
What chance the miracle again?

But I will wait with you
Knowing your torments learn that hope from you
Stretch up to the same sky my sinews
Stand with you tho’ apart
Alone with you in my death

So we stand together and alone
And I will rob you a little of your Spring
That when your first shoots burst forth
I will stand firm
I will learn from you
As you blossom and return
So shall my spirit find a new dawn.

by Lorna Bain December 29th, 1985