Goldilocks (Untitled) "A Letter to Pete"
Dear Pete,
Second letter, same day. I had to write to you. I had this
poem come over so strongly and Daddy said I had to let have it
even tho’ I thought you would be upset by it.
Message to Peta
Dear Peta
It’s me —
Did you think you had lost me —
I’m with you always friend
You know I was so frightened there
And glad to go
Where I knew I would be safe
Please don’t be sad
It’s such a little parting
Seen from this side
Please bide your time with patience
Please try to understand
You said you loved me then —
Keep on believing —
I am still your friend.
I didn’t write this Peta —
well not really. I had a job to get
it down. I hope you won’t feel scared. Remember Goldilocks!
by Lorna Bain —
December 29th, 1985