From the Executive Wife
What do you think about
When your tongue is silent and the house is quiet?
You’ve watched T.V. all night
And I’ve retreated to another room.
Seeking company in music.
Where are you?
Certainly not here.
I am so lonely when you are near.
The children fought before they went to bed
I tried to compromise, instead
You enjoined them fight
Hell! Where the Hell are you?
You wanted lots of babies —
Instead you’re settling for futility
Senility —
OLD AGE will be you sick bedfellow.
What will you do when I am gone?
I came to you and reached out a hand
But you snapped the file shut!
I don’t understand.
Stick to what you understand
A minor executiVe you’ll always be
You’ve forgotten our dreams and what it’s all about
Please —
forget me.
Let me go
I’ll make it on my own
I’ll struggle in a gutter if I have to
Tho’ my health is shattered and my body torn —
I’ll make it.
You can’t take anything I care about from me
Then you came for “sex”
Forget it buster you’ve neglected me for eighteen years.
Who cares about your fears!
Your needs —
your fantasies —
There are no fires left in me.
God! make me free.
by Lorna Bain —
December 29th, 1985